Feb 6Liked by Donn Dobkin

Hey, Don... I feel your pain. So easy to get distracted now days. I've come to sort of embrace it. I try to focus on my main objective, type design right now, but there are so many things I'm interested in. And I find these other things give me a different and useful perspective on my main pursuit. Usually... They can sometimes get distracting too but what are you gonna do?

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Hey Rob, yes, it's easy to get distracted and even easier to be my own distractor :-) However, as I figure out what I'm gonna do, I'll share that too. At your end, I'm just really discovering type design for the first time, and you do great stuff. Clarice is a classic one. Love your art as well. Yeah, looks like you have similar "distractions"!

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Feb 6Liked by Donn Dobkin

Your piece resonates with me, Donn... especially the question of how much to concentrate on one's highest priority and how much to pursue other interests. I believe there can be creative cross-pollination among different endeavors. Also that play can stimulate our creativity, as well as being fun.

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Thank you Lorna. I agree, in fact I think cross-pollination is extremely valuable. How much is a separate question though.. and the answer quite probably varies from person to person.

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