Next week I’ll be back to writing, but yesterday brought the first real snow since we moved to Leesburg and it was impossible to resist. Ergo the following are images from that day at Goose Creek, a short walk from our front door.
Let’s go play in the snow!
Wasn’t that fun? Credit to Stacia (below) for suggesting it, with an assist from Calvin Rosser’s latest newsletter, The Case for Being Less Serious.
New Limited Edition Prints for Sale
As promised, I’ve got a new set of Limited Edition prints available for purchase. Any unsold African wildlife images from last fall, as promised, are retired from circulation.
Each edition consists of ten Numbered Prints and two Artists Prints, 16x24” silver halide, with certificate of authentication. As before, these are not just limited by quantity, but will also be available for a limited time. So if you would like one or more for yourself or a special person, don’t hesitate. You wouldn't want to become he who is lost!
Until next time,
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Or, are you interested in seeing more work? My website welcomes you. We may even want to work together. I promise a joyous and productive experience if we do.
love the fox
Oh, these are amazing!